Saturday, July 14, 2007

noah and jack

My little boy turned 10 last month! We had been promising a dog once we got into a house as far back as a year. It helps the kids during transitioning from 1 country to another to have something to be really excited about.

As promised Mark came through with a golden retriever, for Noah's birthday. As soon as I saw him I suggested 'Jack' as his name and surprisingly everyone agreed that he was a Jack.

I am surprised that so far he is a pretty easy, well-behaved dog, even at 7 months old. Jonah who was very fearful of dogs is now a dog lover. He was cured at the Hayes' because they had a little indoor dog.
Happy Birthday Noah! We are so thankful for you! You put lots of laughter in our life!
We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Noah! So was JACK your birthday present? I am glad you got a dog. Every boy needs a dog.
