There were many hi-cups through the year, which was to be expected for the first year and so with grace we endured,and in the end the kids came through with more knowledge and character growth which is always our desire. I am proud of their accomplishments and captured a few pictures of the last day of school where they were presented with awards.
Noah is seen here with the famous, Mark Broberg, downward grin, as his teacher, Mrs. Williams, praises him for the most improved in penmanship, saying, it was really something beautiful!

I couldn't help but add in these other "Broberg" faces..biting his tongue and making a funny face because he is a little embarrassed at the attention. He also got awards for most tolerant, because he is always accepting of everyone and takes what discipline is given even when misunderstood. He is a sweet boy to the core! Way to go, Noah, we are proud!

Haillie got awards for A,B honor roll for the quarter( which wasn't her first time), most improved in bible, and most responsible. I am so proud of her hard work and efforts to do all her work well and get it back on time. She is obviously a first born and takes her tasks seriously! Good job Haillie, keep it up!
Mr. Williams, presents my beautiful but camera shy girl, with her award.

This is the junior high girls leading worship for the service. We are so thankful for the friends that have been made through the school and the support we feel from our ex-pat community! I also want to thank the Staff at KIS (Krasnodar International School) for all their time and hard work to make the year a success.

nice post - the kids look so stinking old.