I just finished this book after having to put it down several times because the content was so disturbing. It is a vivid and raw portrayal of the effects of the Russian-Chechen war along with the fear, propaganda, injustices, and innocent victims. It confirms all we have heard and experienced here, (Russia) but truth in print proves to be more disturbing. I encourage you to read this, it will help you understand life in Russia and the forgotten children who are victims of the on going Chechen-Russian conflict.
The author is a jounalist and so I understand that sensationalism is a part of the job, but most of what she writes is just pure facts of what she has experienced. I found that she has been accurate in here description of Russia. In the end she let's you draw your own opinions and shows the injustices and ugliness on both sides.
It is an excellent book and I am more passionate then ever about our efforts to reach these children and forever changed by their stories. We have to give hope to the hopeless.
Jennifer: I was so sorry to hear of Mark's dad passing away, and then to read that your mom had also passed away. I had checked your "blog" a couple times, but nothing had been updated, and just now found out about your mom. I believe one of your kids has a birthday this Friday - Happy Birthday Haillie!!! I did send an e-mail b'day card, so hope she gets it. We continue to pray for your family often. Hoping things are going well. Sharyn and Stan McDonald