In honor of our beloved country of origin we had a cowboy birthday party for Jonah, (who is now 7) with all the favorite American fixin's , grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and settlers baked beans! The young cowpokes enjoyed our tribute to the pride of America and well... I enjoyed the priviledge of creating a fun party with the help of my tried and true side kicks, Haillie and Noah. After years of studying under my expertise... my older pups help me out with all the preparations, which makes the whole thing much easier for me and fun for them too.Mark helped me make this lasso game.

The kids brought there swim gear and we played a few water games. The weather was perfect for this.

Noah helped make this squirt gun game. Here they are ganging up on the bad guys.

The cake was made by Noah, with Haillie's help and decorated by me, also with Haillie's help (that cake decorating class she had is sure paying off!). It was a horse for the birthday cowpoke who only has a very uncooperative Labrador.

He got more gifts then he should have. Most came from his generous siblings that gave him some of their own things plus bought him new things!

This is Jose, who is wanted for stealing candy! The cowpokes are ready and very willing to retrieve the candy! I gotta say I enjoy creating these pinatas, how sad when I don't have reason anymore. Ya, I know Jose is smoking!...I do not promote smoking but, doesn't the cigarette make him look bad??.. he is a bad cowboy... and we did hit him with a stick!

Here is a picture of the candy stuffers. He was very heavy! I love this tradition! I will have to pass it on to my Russian friends:)

Well the end to a great day! Give the kids candy and send them home just as the sugar is hitting there systems. As for our kids?? We just locked them outside until bed time:)
Yep! that is our life, full of creating together and enjoying the simple life