I have always loved to run, mostly, as fast as I could. It is all I could endure, a quick 100 meter dash...the exhilarating experience of a fast and furious race. Now that I am older and more mature *cough, cough, wink* I have made myself endure the discipline of long distance running. Training long distance is different than training for a 100 meter dash. It's long, painful, long, sweaty, long...you get the gist. What started out as a physical discipline has saturated my life with so many spiritual lessons to grow on.
So let me share a few 'lessons" for life, God has whispered in my ear as I have sweated and panted, sweated and prayed, and endured one more mile.
~Number one rule to running long distance is to keep going, even when you think you can't. Sometimes you may be tempted to quit or take a break, but it is in those times that if you just breathe in Jesus and remember He gives you strength, your next stride gets easier, and when you relax your whole body works better.
~There will be pain involved. No way around it, there will be pain, unless, you are not running the race to win the prize. There are different kinds of pain. Some pain is not so serious that you need to stop, but should keep going. I have found that my wimpy-ness can get the better of me and I can psych myself into quitting, but once determined to keep going, have found that the pain turns out to be small, insignificant, and slowly goes away as I keep everything in perspective.
The other type of pain is more serious, and might even take you down if you try to run through it...there will be no mistaking this pain. The only way to overcome this is to rest. God sometimes takes us out of commission when we don't take our selves out, when we need to rest and refuel and healing, in Him.
~Your race is your race. Don't be tempted to hop lanes and try to run someone else's race, but instead learn from them and remember that each one has been training in ways and length that you have not. God gives us exactly what we need for our race.
~When you fall or trip, get up and keep going. You may feel embarrassed or lose faith in yourself but here is the great thing; it is not about you it is about Jesus, and His grace for you. He will honor your efforts and faith to trust Him. His grace is sufficient for you, even in the middle of shame. He will help you up and see you to the finish line, if you let Him.
~Some days will feel lonely and there will be no one to cheer you on to the finish. On these days your coach, Jesus, whispers in your ear, "you can do it! I made you for this and I am right here... I will never leave you... I delight in you!"
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb.12:1
Inspired, Jenn! Thank you for posting this. I love all the lessons... I am going to need to read it through a few times not to miss any of them.
ReplyDeleteYou are a sweetheart :) His grace will take us to our last breath.