Life is definitely 'simpler' here which has its positives and negatives. So I try to smile and bear the inconveniences and cherish the memories that we make along the way even, in the midst of, or because of them. All I know is I have been cooking up a storm because 'it was another hard day' for Mark and us all as we survive the cold that has crept into the house. Then we all sit down after dinner to watch an episode of the Walton's. At least we are not going through a depression like them, but on the other hand we can relate to the comfort of the warmth of family that keeps us all untouched by the stresses of life in Russia. And funny as it is... you can often hear the 'good night' chorus in the Broberg house at night. It only takes one, "good night mom, good night dad!" and all the rest chime in after as we all yell our,'good nights'.
I know you can all hear the Waltons theme song in your head right now and the voice of Elizabeth saying, "Good night John Boy!"
We can always count our blessings especially in the midst of so much need! Pray for us but also for the lost and hungry, some literally.
nice post.