So here it is... January, and I have decided to get back to communicating. One of those New Years resolutions that I hope I can keep.
I got a request from my mother to see some Christmas pictures so here they are. Better late than never!
This fireplace is keeping us warm this winter since we are on the Russian made heating system that is always too hot or too cold. We are thankful for shorter winters here in southern Russia, and look forward to the thaw.

Silas fell asleep on big brother, Noah's, lap while watching "Rudolph", on Christmas Eve.

The Hayes girls, opening gifts from the boys.

Haillie and Maddie, her bosom buddy, exchanging gifts.

My husband did it again! He surprised me with a gift that I did not expect! A set of very pretty dishes that I actually had been admiring. I never told him about them!? I don't know how he does it?

The toy of the year for the boys were Transformers! They all got one.

Silas is wearing his 3-D glasses to read a book he got in his stocking. Jack even got in on the Christmas morning fun by wearing his new Christmas sweater.

Christmas dinner with Marks mom and dad and our guests and very special friends the Hayes' and Joel Symons. I got to use my new dishes.

It was a whirlwind of fun and work since we were helping our dear friends, the Hayes' move out all there belongings from there house to our house so they could fly out of the country on the 27th. We had mixed feelings of relief and sadness all at once as we said our goodbyes. We hope and pray they can raise their funds quickly so they can come back by summer. We miss you already!
We were very blessed to have Dave and Jean Broberg with us to join in the fun. The kids were in heaven, getting snuggles and lots of attention from Grandma and Grandpa, that seemed enough to last a year, we hope, but it never does because you can never get enough of that special grandparent love! Jean, of course, was a huge help to me and I don't think I could have done everything I needed to without her. Plus, she does my laundry! Boy, I got spoiled! Now it is back to the grind. Thanks, Jean, I miss you. Ha!
The kids had a full and fun holiday with almost a month off of school! We played lots of games and watched all of Cosbys season 1.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. You will be hearing from me more this year.