I never thought 2 years ago we would be still searching for a home. Really, all you have to do is ask my husband and he will tell you the rants he has endured. I had written a blog post the year we started this new journey about being homeless, before I knew it was going to be a longer journey of homelessness than I thought. I have come full circle of excited anticipation to confused, angry, frustrated, and back to content and full of anticipation but not in the same way.
I always say I never plan more than a year or so in advance because God usually changes them anyways. Well my plan was to buy a house in the woods, plant a garden, buy some animals...all good stuff, right? Well, that's not in the cards for me yet.
Thinking about advent and the eve of His birth I am reminded of my Christ who left His home and came to mine. But he didn't come and land himself in the most comfortable place...it was, frankly, the worst place. He came and was born in the most humblest places into a humble family.
So this year I recognize that even though this hasn't looked like I thought it would 2 years ago, it has provided for more opportunities to be a part of the bigger picture of reaching everyone with the Good News of Jesus. It is God reminding me that the best things in life are eternal and intangible, that Him landing us right in the heart of this small city might be worth more to me in heaven than whether I had a garden or goats.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, look for that thing that you didn't see before, pray that you will take in this moment in your life to live it the best and most fulfilling way, focusing not on the seen but the unseen.
I can't imagine how Mary felt through all of this. I know if it were me I would be complaining and ranting the whole way...maybe the peace that passes all understanding rested on Mary. Maybe Mary was wiser at the age of 14 then me at the age of 44. If a stable and a manger are my God's choice then what should be mine?
I am thankful for all I have and it is more than enough, I am not in want or need. I am content and my cup runs over with all the best gifts, those unseen ones. I hope I am pouring out all of them to everyone who is in want,
who are poor in spirit even if rich in material wealth.
So today if you find yourself contemplating the story of Christmas, take some time to pause at the thought of "no room in the inn". Out of all things I never want Jesus to be wanting for room in my inn. I want my life to be directed by him even when I lay out my own plans, His plans are so much better...richer.
I always say I never plan more than a year or so in advance because God usually changes them anyways. Well my plan was to buy a house in the woods, plant a garden, buy some animals...all good stuff, right? Well, that's not in the cards for me yet.
Thinking about advent and the eve of His birth I am reminded of my Christ who left His home and came to mine. But he didn't come and land himself in the most comfortable place...it was, frankly, the worst place. He came and was born in the most humblest places into a humble family.
So this year I recognize that even though this hasn't looked like I thought it would 2 years ago, it has provided for more opportunities to be a part of the bigger picture of reaching everyone with the Good News of Jesus. It is God reminding me that the best things in life are eternal and intangible, that Him landing us right in the heart of this small city might be worth more to me in heaven than whether I had a garden or goats.

I can't imagine how Mary felt through all of this. I know if it were me I would be complaining and ranting the whole way...maybe the peace that passes all understanding rested on Mary. Maybe Mary was wiser at the age of 14 then me at the age of 44. If a stable and a manger are my God's choice then what should be mine?
I am thankful for all I have and it is more than enough, I am not in want or need. I am content and my cup runs over with all the best gifts, those unseen ones. I hope I am pouring out all of them to everyone who is in want,
who are poor in spirit even if rich in material wealth.
So today if you find yourself contemplating the story of Christmas, take some time to pause at the thought of "no room in the inn". Out of all things I never want Jesus to be wanting for room in my inn. I want my life to be directed by him even when I lay out my own plans, His plans are so much better...richer.
"While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5From "my" home to yours!