Mark, Sergei, and Alexei. Russian Royal Ranger leaders seeing us off at the airport. |
One thing I never thought I would be saying is, "I am a missionary to Russia." Now I am having a hard time saying goodbye to that part of my life.
A sure sign of a globe trotting kid. |
Yes, it's official. In a whirlwind of prayer, phone calls, meetings, prayer, more prayer and than acceptance of, not only the position of lead pastor of Good News Assembly of God in Ishpeming, MI, but of the new direction God was surely leading us, we have officially resigned as missionaries. Oh, I am still praying...praying for wisdom; for all the loved ones we left in Russia and the continued ministry there ; for the adjustments we are going through; for the many people of this great church we are so privileged to be a part of; for a new home; for decision of schooling for the kids; for the pastor and family we will hire to come join our team; for language acquisition as I learn the Yooper language. (thought my new Yooper friends would like that one.)
She hates airplane travel but loved growing up in Russia. |
It proves to be harder to leave than it was to go to this historically feared, massive, country of Russia. It was a good journey, a journey I wasn't sure I would make it through and then one I had a hard time leaving. Just as when we left this country obeying God in what seemed to be hard, once again we are obeying and it has given me such mixed feelings of sorrow and joy.
What may have been our last trip over the ocean all together. |
While we were back in Russia for the month of November taking physical steps of obedience by selling and packing our belongings, reality hit as I watched my furniture go out the door and grief set in. Not grief for my furniture, but for a life we lived and a people and country we have loved for so many years. Life is unpredictable What we think is best, is usually not God's best for us... for His purpose in us. And if I have learned anything in all these years of ministry it is that God's timing is perfect, even though, I did a white knuckle stubborn hold, He made it clear over and over that this was His timing and this was our "Jerusalem".
Here is where I need to explain the significance of Ishpeming for us. Mark's father was the pastor of this church when Mark was just about Haillie's age. It has held a pretty special place in Mark's heart all these years and it really is like coming home.
My neighbors. Saying goodbye. |
So that is our story. God called us to Russia.. we answered that call. We were missionaries to Russia for 13 years. God called us back to "live dead" right here in America...He taught us how. He stripped away the garbage in our lives and taught us to live fully in Him. Do you know that feeling when someone has swiped your leg and you feel yourself falling...that's how I feel now. We were content to stay in Russia and all we had come to know as home and ministry when He swiped our legs and here we are falling and depending on Him to catch us, depending on Him for what we cannot do ourselves.
MK (missionary kid) gang. The Broberg/Hayes kids always made life an adventure. |
Someone asked , "when did you stop feeling called to missions?" My answer, "I haven't!" We are all called to missions, to act in some way to tell the whole world about Jesus. I look forward to continuing my missions calling from a different location and position...my wandering isn't over. So I won't say "goodbye, Russia" only, "see you later."
Simon the Friendly Giant. One of the greatest MA's around! |
I read the boys
The Hobbit this December and I saw the metaphor of my life in Bilbo's adventure and felt kindred to his plight and sentiments, from his feelings of inadequacy to his triumphs over fears and foes. At the end of the book as he is traveling back and his home is almost in view, he sings this song:
- Roads go ever ever on,
- Over rock and under tree,
- By caves where never sun has shone,
- By streams that never find the sea;
- Over snow by winter sown,
- And through the merry flowers of June,
- Over grass and over stone,
- And under mountains in the moon.
- Roads go ever ever on
- Under cloud and under star,
- Yet feet that wandering have gone
- Turn at last to home afar.
- Eyes that fire and sword have seen
- And horror in the halls of stone
- Look at last on meadows green
- And trees and hills they long have known.
- Gandolf looked at him. "My dear Bilbo!" he said. "Something is the matter with you! You are not the same hobbit that you were."
So it is I am not the same "hobbit" as I was. My adventure has forever changed me.
Haillie and Inna. She was a great blessing to us! We miss you! |
Finally, they returned by ship to Antioch of Syria, where their journey
had begun. The believers there had entrusted them to the grace of God to
do the work they had now completed. Acts 14:26 NLT