Since coming to Russia 10 years ago my family has traveled thousands of miles in several different modes of transportation. 2 of them, starting from infancy, have accumulated more frequent flier miles than most people do in a lifetime.
But over these last 4 years we have felt more like contestants on the Amazing Race, having to leave the country for visa renewal many times more than anticipated (due to some changes in the laws), consuming our time, resources, and energy; all to live in Russia.
We have traveled 32 hours straight over the worst roads I have ever encountered; the kids have had the exhilaration of jumping on to a moving train on our travel from Kiev to K-dar this summer; and our most recent adventure of our vehicle breaking down in the middle of Nowhere, Ukraine.
That adventure will not soon be forgotten...from the close to freezing weather that we slept in for 4 hours with clothes piled over us for warmth, to the beautiful sight of, Igor, from Moldova, driving up at 2 in the morning after being harassed at 3 different borders for not having the right paperwork (this ended in him paying a small "fine" to get through and is one of those times I am thankful for the "system" here). So after climbing into that warm van, I gave that boy a big hug...I held back the kiss which he thanked me for later. And with great favor from the Lord, the car was towed back to Moldova with no problems. We ended this adventure leaving our "stead" behind and flying home, with no complaints by me.
In our 2 terms that we have been on the field in Russia our vehicle has traveled over 200,000 miles, in 10 different countries, through mountains, rivers, off-road and wilderness terrain, roads that have no business being called a road... in rain, hail, sleet and Russian snow; our vehicle has traveled it all. We have transported not only people but camping gear, Royal Ranger material, equipment for evangelism, and helped in moving not just our household but many other M's on the field. It has served well and we hope after some fixing, will continue to serve.
So here is an amazing fact...since 1944 A/G youth have been raising funds for every M on the field to have transportation and equipment needed to reach the lost. The total in giving since then has been estimated to be 300 million.
So to all you amazing teens out there we say, thank you! You are helping us Speed-the-Light to countless youth just like you, not just in Russia but beyond the borders throughout Eurasia through your giving and generosity. We are gearing up for another term and we look forward to the next four years of more travel adventures to reach the lost with the gospel, whatever way we can get there and with your help!