We have arrived back in Russia! It has been 2 months now since back and we have been busy with many birthday celebrations (Noah, Jonah, Haillie, all have summer birthdays) and all the work of getting settled. Our team has been very helpful and we have seen a lot of great things accomplished through joint efforts.
I have struggled in my grief and last week I made a choice to take the extended hand of Christ, crossing over the threshold of anger and fear of a seemingly weak and/or mean God, while trying to reconcile myself through any thoughts of failure in faith concerning my mom and her last days. I must admit that I was too scared and angry to grab hold before now, feeling like David felt when Uzzah was slain by God for touching the ark of the covenant when it was being brought to Jerusalem.What was a celebra
When all that is in me wants to run, I have decided to cling to the faith He has proven to me over all my years, there is no turning back now, we have history. I keep building up that monument of faith that has brought me through the years and add another stone.
This summer my garden has been my therapy. I sweat in the hot sun, weeding, digging,watering,binding up, pruning away dead and unhealthy branches, and the Holy Spirit comforts me with thoughts of my Lord laboring away on me in the same way and sometimes having to inflict pain. I embrace the wounds of a faithful loving God who scars me for the purpose of growing a more beautiful plant and an abundance of fruit Such love, care, and patience He puts into me, so much more than I do over my small little garden.