My daughter is 13 today! Not too long ago, we put in a home DVD of Haillie when she was 2. We were shocked at how much we had forgotten about that sweet mouse talking little girl! I remember when she was first born how overwhelmed I felt with the responsibility of taking care of this new life that demanded so much of my attention! What a job it was to keep her fed and changed and provide comfort and safety for her. Phew! It was more than I had anticipated! During the first week of life as I sat holding her and looking at her features and how perfect God had made her, I realized that this little baby had a soul that would live for eternity and she would need spiritual nurturing too, and at that moment I started crying and praying that God would give me the wisdom for this task he had entrusted to me. Now 13 years later, I am still asking for Gods wisdom for this task of "romancing" her to Christ, through our example of our own spiritual journeys. We are so thankful for Haillie, she loves truth and desires all that is real! She is creative, loving, assertive, conscientious, and compassionate! She loves God and searches for truth and to hear His voice. She is chasing Him...and I am watching and cheering her on, as I see the longing for her true love... Jesus. Keep chasing Him, Haillie, he will catch you in his arms, and nothing else will satisfy you.