It is always interesting celebrating holidays in a country where they are not celebrating, of course, the 4th of July is one of those.

We always try to gather some other Americans and have a party or picnic. This year was spent with our new friends the VanMeters, plus a visiting A/G media guy Grant Huegel, known here as Hugh Grant,since Mark kept getting it wrong.
I try to find things that help get us into the holiday, so the kids and I made some flags from construction paper. Then, I found some patriotic episodes of Snoopy, Andy Griffith (when Opie is getting bad grades in history, its a great episode), and a Little House on the Prairie episode of a Russian immigrant who, celebrates the 4th with Walnut Grove, whose patriotism is failing because of higher taxes. He inspires them with his great attitude and opens there eyes to there blessings by telling them of the hardships from his motherland.

I know that there are many who feel America is not great anymore, but I am here to say , I have seen many places in the world and after living here I am convinced that we have taken and continue to take our history and freedoms for granted. We have the unique priviledge of rights. Yes, it is true we hold power even if we don't exert these liberties. What a blessing, this rich heritage we have of truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness! So people ask, why are we such optimists in comparison to Russians? History. For us, with a little hard work and good attitude we are rewarded. Russians have not been afforded these liberties on the contrary,they have worked the land and been faithful to their country only to have it stripped away with no explanation! Everyone here has a story of countless injustices and tragic deaths in there family history and present life.

I don't know why I am so fortunate to have been born into my country but I know that I have a responsibility to give what has been given to me, to share the hope that I have been so fortunate to know. To whom much is given, much is required, and I want to be a good steward of all that has been given to me through being born and raised in a great christian nation. I am truely thankful for all those who sacrificed to make it what it is.